wall beds on a budget

How To Build Your Wall Bed on a Budget

When you need extra space, but you’re working within a budget, a Wall Bed can provide an affordable solution. We’ll show you how you can gain the flexible space you need without breaking the

Wall Beds Laminate Series

Product Feature: Laminate Series

If you’re looking to make room for extra guests, but you’re on a tight budget, the Laminate Series Wall Bed is an affordable option. Imagine the possibilities of a guest room that can serve dual

Wall Beds Home Office Series

Product Feature: Home Office Series

If you have an extra bedroom that serves dual purposes, the Home Office series wall bed may be the space saving solution you’ve been looking for. If you’re looking for an extra bed to be used for

Flower vase decoration in guest room

5 Ways To Create a Comfortable, Welcoming Guest Room

There are many things to prepare as you ready your home for overnight guests. Of course there are the usual things: cleaning, menu planning and entertaining, but have you given some thought to

combo home office guest room

Convert Your Home Office Into a Guest Room With a Wall Bed

Is the lack of room in your home preventing you from entertaining out of town family and friends? Let’s face it, a dedicated guest room is not always practical when you can imagine other ways to

wall beds provide more space for college and university dorm rooms

Wall Beds Provide Additional Space For College & University Dorm Rooms

When they hear about college or university living, many people think about students sharing a 10×10 cube full of bunk beds, bulky desks and other necessities. Most dorm rooms have very

wall bed for healthcare center

Wall Beds Provide Many Benefits for Healthcare Facilities

Wall Beds can be used in a variety of healthcare applications, providing comfort and convenience to patients and physicians alike. If your medical office or healthcare facility is not currently

What is the Average Cost of a Wall Bed

What is the Average Cost of a Wall Bed?

What is the average cost of a wall bed? Although this is one of the more important and frequently-asked questions about wall beds, there is sometimes not a definite answer. The cost of buying a