Wall Beds Provide Many Benefits for Fire and Rescue Stations
A lot of activity takes place inside the walls of a fire and rescue station. Often times, space is limited and therefore, it needs to be flexible and functional. For fire stations needing to maximize their space, Wall Beds are a great option for multipurpose bunk rooms and sleeping quarters.
Easy to use flex space
Wall Beds will help to save space, and they are also easy to use! They provide easy access to rest during free time and multipurpose space when needed.
Cost Effective
Maximizing your space in a fire department can also help to save money. Renovation or new construction costs are less when working with smaller, multifunctional spaces in the station. Wall Beds are able to reduce space by being able to fold up into the wall when they are not in use.
Increase Storage Space
With abundant side cabinetry, Wall Beds can also provide users with plenty of storage space. In addition, Wall Beds are amazingly comfortable beds to sleep and rest in. Finally, they are easy to fold into the wall, making them convenient.
Healthier employees
Quality sleep at the station is crucial for a first responder’s performance. Sleep deprivation can lead to health concerns such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and immune system malfunctions. Being sleep deprived can also lead to cognitive impairment, which would cause obvious problems for someone who is trying to save lives.
Our units allow any fire and rescue station to easily convert their sleeping or dorm area into a meeting or training room, without expensive building or remodeling costs. Visit our website to see if Wall Beds fire station series is right for you: https://wallbedsmfg.com/product/firestation-series/